Thank you for your interest in booking a room at the Beach House guest house in Mamaia Nord.
Our latest price list can be found on our prices page and reservations can be made on our room bookings page.
Using our booking system is pretty straight forward, simply enter the dates you require for your stay and the system will show if rooms are still available for the selected period.
Next, from the available rooms select which room you would like to stay in.
You can view the rooms you like by clicking the appropriate room link.
Once you have chosen a room then enter the requested information and submit the form, we will receive an email with your booking.
We will contact you shortly regarding your booking, see how our bookings work.
Should you encounter issues please don’t hesitate to give us a call or drop us an email.
You can also contact us on Facebook, Google+1 or leave a comment below.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0737 501 765
November 21, 2023