Thanks for your interest in booking a room at the Beach House guest house in Mamaia Nord.
To read more about how our booking system works please check our page about the booking system.
We take reservations for Beach House Hotel rooms online or via telephone calls, they do not show up on our system until a security deposit is made.
Only once a security deposit has been made and verified we only then show a room as booked.
At times it is possible that we are awaiting a deposit from a client and we are holding the room for them until they have deposited funds and we can confirm the deposit.
Please book well in advance and make a deposit as soon as possible to fully book your room to avoid disappointment.
Bookings and reservations for our mini-hotel / Guesthouse can be made from our Room Reservations page or simply call us.
Thanks for your understanding.
Check Beach House Mamaia Nord prices, for our latest price list for our hotel rooms.
January 8, 2024